Frequently Asked Questions

You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers! (Well, hopefully.) Check out some of our frequently asked questions below. If you don’t find your answer here, please shoot us a message via the Contact Us form.

CleverCow Questions

pink cow

A really, really smart cow.  

We kid! CleverCow is an online community designed to democratise and fast-track the road to a sustainable future.  

Our platform allows anyone to purchase carbon credits that have been produced through verified sustainable farming practices. A CleverCow subscription, works to: 

  • Reduce your personal impact by offsetting some of your individual carbon footprint.  
  • Directly contribute to farming projects focused on emissions avoidance and emissions reductions to help grow their impact.  
  • Remove carbon credits from the market, ultimately making it more expensive for big emitters to pollute.  

Together we can work to shift the dial and build the future we want to see. There are truly no downsides to being a CleverCow! 

Agriculture is one of the few industries that can not only reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, but also remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. Magic!  

 Our farmers are also making the food we need to feed the world. Which is kind of a big deal. As the global population grows, global food security comes increasingly under threat. A productive and sustainable agriculture industry is critical to ensuring communities around the world have access to the food they need.  

Sustainable agriculture practices also present huge opportunities to help slow the rate of global warming, fast. CleverCow is focused on scaling solutions that help achieve this.  

Where possible we strive to, and encourage everyone, to make lasting, sustainable lifestyle choices.   

However, we also understand that some emissions are unavoidable or uncontrollable in our modern world. We all have to live, drive places, wear clothes, eat food – and every choice we make has impact on our planet.  

We want to empower you with options and give you the chance to reduce that impact, offset your own unavoidable emissions and help drive larger, greener change while you’re at it.  

If your farm is looking to become a part of the CleverCow network, please reach out via the Contact Us form.  

Carbon Questions

pink cow

A carbon footprint is the total measurement of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions - including carbon dioxide and methane - that are generated directly, or indirectly, by our actions. 

Put simply, a carbon credit represents 1 tonne of carbon dioxide (or the equivalent GHG emission) that has been successfully removed from the atmosphere. It’s a common unit of measurement used when carbon offsetting.
A carbon offsetting is a way to balance out the carbon emissions you produce by investing in projects that reduce emissions elsewhere.

Yes, it does. Carbon offsetting often gets a bad rap but, when done properly, it can be an effective and simple way for people to have true impact. Plus, the more people that do it, the bigger the impact. 

Carbon offsetting allows people to offset emissions they aren’t able to avoid. It reduces your personal impact on the planet and helps directly fund carbon removal and carbon avoidance projects, making them more financially viable for the people undertaking them.

Not all carbon credits are created equal. At CleverCow, we are only interested in high-quality carbon credits that:  

  • Are independently verified by a recognised industry body. 
  • Are sourced from sustainable agriculture projects creating reliable and lasting impact.  
  • Will be permanently retired once they are purchased. 

 All CleverCow carbon credits have been verified under one of the following industry bodies – the Verra Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program, the Australian Government’s Clean Energy Regulator or the Gold Standard Program.  

Via the CleverCow model, each credit is permanently retired, safeguarding its impact.

You can calculate your carbon footprint here using the UN Carbon Footprint Calculator.  


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